Saturday, February 11, 2017

Why the Most Connected People Are No Longer Using LinkedIn 

The most connected members of LinkedIn have vanished. What does this mean for you?

Amidst news of LinkedIn being bought by Microsoft, one mystery remains: Where have all the "Super Connectors" gone? It appears that the website
built on making connections might frown upon having too many.
Most users on LinkedIn have under 500 connections. There is a subsection of LinkedInusers who are connected to hundreds of thousands of people. Individually, Steven Burda and Zura Kakushadze have accumulated more connections than the majority of people in your office combined. Their
accounts, along with a slew of others, have vanished.
It's impossible to determine exactly how many of the accounts were
deactivated, mostly because outside of LinkedIn messages nobody knows
how to reach each other. Their voices have been lost. While they wait in
limbo for an answer as to when their accounts will be reinstated, we can
only make assumptions as to what the real reason for their disappearance is.
Kakushadze has a PhD in theoretical physics, more than 11 years of
experience in quantitative finance, and has published over 100 scientific
papers. Burda has a background in finance, IT, and accounting but feels at
home as a social media consultant. To say that their loyal followers are
missing out on their teachings is an understatement.
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but I wanted to know why they were
deleted. Did they violate the terms of service? Did they somehow game
the system, lie, cheat, or steal? I was able to contact the two most
connected users to get their side of the story.

How Many Connections Is Too Many?

LinkedIn is built on the expectation that you can build your professional
identity and discover opportunities online. Mutual friends on LinkedIn
introduced me to these two Super Connectors, who felt as though they
had grown too large of a following and were banned because of it.
When I was a child, I cared for a friend's pet hamster while she was away.
I knew I had to feed him, but I didn't know how often. One day, I emptied
the whole box of food into the cage and let the hamster eat as it pleased.
I came back to check in on little Hammie, and to my dismay he had
passed away.
I later learned that he had eaten himself to death. He didn't know any better: Food was good; it helped him to survive.
The same goes for LinkedIn users whose businesses thrive on the platform.
Why were they given the ability to make connections only to be slapped on
the wrist when they had too many?
The top 10 Super Connectors have all been denied access to their accounts.
In fact, when you go to one of their pages, it simply says, "Sorry, this profile couldn't be displayed." Most claim that their emails asking for help from
LinkedIn have gone ignored.

Why Are Some Allowed More Than Others?

L.I.O.N: LinkedIn Open Networker. These people usually have the most connections, and currently it's not known why some people are capped at
30,000 while others aren't.
I have nearly 30,000 connections and 8,000 open requests that I cannot
accept. I use LinkedIn to advertise my business, Bikini Luxe, and to connect
with like-minded people. These days it's all about whom you know, not what
you know.
When asked how he had amassed such a following, Kakushadze said, "Painstakingly. You either receive a connection request or you send one.
One at a time."

Could This Happen to You?

We can only speculate as to what the motives are, but the vague wording
of the LinkedIn Terms of Service leaves a lot to the imagination. According
to Kakushadze, he doesn't market or advertise on or make any money from LinkedIn. His main purpose on the website is to popularize his research and spread knowledge.
His papers on quantum finance, cancer research, and theoretical physics
make my head spin. Why anyone (or any social platform) would want to halt someone like him from educating others entirely for free is beyond me.
Steven Burda spent 10 years carefully cultivating his LinkedIn connections
and growing his business. Will people still be interested in attending his
LinkedIn Workshops if he isn't actually on the platform any longer?
What I have found is that this could happen to anyone, for any reason.
What we are led to believe to be our virtual property is not really ours at all,
and it can be taken away at any time.
In a world where who you are on social media is all that matters, when your popularity online grants you access to more clientele and deems you valid, having that stripped away when you've worked hard to achieve it must be devastating.
Share this story to help bring them back!
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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Trump Brand Now Stronger Than Apple's

Regardless of whether Trump (the man) wins or loses, Trump (the brand) has already won.

CREDIT: Getty Images
Several news stories recently suggested that Trump's campaign, fueled
by his personal endorsement of his ability and right to commit sexual
assault, was damaging the Trump brand.
As evidence of this, CNN cited a report that bookings at his casinos
and hotels are sharply down, prompting Trump to sidetrack to promote
 his recently-opened (and sparsely booked) Washington D.C. hotel.
In addition, a grassroots group has been boycotting sales of Ivanka
Trump's line of clothing.
That Trump's favorability rating was down to 31 percent from a
post-convention high of 38 percent would seem to lend credence to
the notion that the Trump brand is a disaster the making.
However, while a favorability rating 31 percent is exceedingly low for a presidential candidate this close to an election, it's actually much higher
than the Trump brand has historically enjoyed.
In May of 2011, Steven Levitt, president of the brand valuation firm
Q Scores, told Adweek that Trump's popularity ratings "are as bad
as they've always been...four-and-a-half times more people are turned
off by him than turned on."
In other words, before Trump entered the political arena in 2011 by 
spreading racist lies about President Obama, the Trump brand 
enjoyed a favorability rating of 18 percent. Back then, he was only 
around half as popular as he is today.
More important, many Trump's political supporters are wildly enthusiastic
about him, so that the Trump brand almost seems to echo the product evangelism usually associated with strong corporate brands like Apple
and Starbucks.
As I've noted in a previous post, any brand that people really love will
also have a set of people who loathe it. Consider: don't you know at
least one person who hates the entire Apple fanboy shtick?
It's true that many people who probably never gave the Trump brand
a second thought five years ago now actively hate him and the brand
alike. However, their hatred makes Trump's supporters love him all
the more. That's how branding works.
Weak brands create weak emotions which drive weak sales. Strong
brands create strong emotions which drive strong sales. As long as
those sales take place, it doesn't matter whether the strong emotions
are negative or positive. In branding, love and hate are sides of the
same coin.
In terms of the amount of pure emotion it creates, the Trump brand is 
arguably stronger than the Apple brand. While Apple sales dwarf 
Trump sales, that's comparing apples to orange-heads
When it comes to emotion, Trump beats Apple hands down.
That's relevant in a business sense because the demographic profile
of Trump's supporters matches the traditional demographic target of
Trump's branded products.
While the Trump brand is outwardly positioned as luxurious and upscale,
it's always had its greatest appeal for the sort of down-scale wannabes
who are impressed by lavish tackiness like solid gold bathroom fixtures.
Trump's branded products--Trump Wine, Trump Steaks, Trump University, Trump's books, etc.--are targeted not at the rich but at those who hope,
by aping Trump, to bask in a pale reflection of his lifestyle.
In other words, Trump's political supporters are the very people to
whom Trump has been hawking his products. By contrast, the people
who now hate Trump and his brand were never his potential
customers nor likely to become customers.
Trump's reality TV show is a case in point. The primary appeal of
The Apprentice was the working-class schadenfreude of watching
Trump fire the kind of upscale professionals and celebrities who 
are doing quite well in the real world.
Much like Trump's candidacy, The Apprentice was revenge fantasy for the downwardly mobile.
Seen in that light, Trump's candidacy has raised the visibility of (and strengthened the attachment to) the Trump brand among those people
who were and are most likely to buy Trump-branded products or stay
at Trump properties.
Which leads us to the election.
Regardless of whether Trump wins or loses, he'll remain a hero to his supporters. Any products that he launches--and make no mistake,
win or lose, there will be Trump-branded products--will sell well to his
newly-loyal customer base.
If, for instance, Trump launches his own television network in competition
with Fox, it will begin broadcasting with huge brand equity, guaranteeing
its success whether it's run out of Trump Tower (if he loses) or the
White House (if he wins).
So regardless of what happens on November 8, the Trump brand will
 emerge from the election burnished rather than tarnished. Indeed, from a branding perspective, Trump has already won, and won bigly.
Those who believe that Trump's brand has taken a huge hit should
remember the immortal words of H.L. Mencken: "No one ever
went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

Source: BY GEOFFREY JAMES Contributing editor,

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Walk the talk: how walking makes reach the goals

Walk the talk: how walking makes reach the goals

Walk the talk: how walking makes reach the goals


Achieving goals is about: focus, creativity, productivity and satisfaction. Scientific, physiological proof follows, business leaders turn walking as a decision making process and result.  Steve Jobs was performing his walking meeting, because the movement makes the conversation less stiff, more authentic, more responsible.  Some findings suggest that walking does in fact affect the way in which we process and retain information.  

For office people, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers determined that sitting at our desks and looking at our computer screens all day deplete our "attentional resources." The result is that our brains stop registering surroundings and tasks because there is no stimulus. However, stepping away and going on a walk provides different sights, sounds, and feelings that re-energize the brain. When we return to our desks, what we see and experience feels new again, so attention and productivity increase.
Science has proved how walking enriches life in all possible manners. And I have proved myself too.  I have taken different time for walking for purposeful cause. Nearly 100 km at the seaside for 17 hours, getting into the forest for 25 km under minus 7 degrees and always these adventures turned into post and some more.  I say, walking is one of the goal reaching process. It involves focus, creative and productive solutions.
When you step outside, you give yourself over, you need to literally get out of the box. Nilofer Merchant
At one of the Walking summit’s the Business leaders expressed the idea, that future belongs to walking conferences, because it raises momentum.

Spain in Europe known as a land of walkers where Camino de Santiago - The pilgrimage route is maintained. It brings people from the all the World to meet and greet their inner self during the journey. Maybe next and bigger one might be the Wall of China. My mate, follows the borders along of Lithuania for 1000 km during the winter, because it’s easier, more concentrated and targeted trail. When your mind is fresh your steps are wiser.

It’s a hard core, let’s slow down and get back to basics.

Walk the talk is the living proof of taking action includes several phases that walking intervenes in our behavior and impacts the state we are after.
Creativity increases by 60%
Stanford study found that walking indoors or outdoors similarly boosted creative inspiration. A person walking indoors – on a treadmill in a room facing a blank wall – or walking outdoors in the fresh air produced twice as many creative responses compared to a person sitting down, one of the experiments found.
Walking is a form of exercising. Some putting on the headset and heading to. But wait, slow down.
Reaching goals when your head is open without disruption raises the level ofproductivity.  When you are working in a corporate world and involved in it’s life crossing the building or room, there is always something in your head. Usually thought is somewhere: how to solve one or another problem of the current state. And the answer usually comes, because you have changed the seat. Some companies use open space seats, it helps to boost creativity.
Productivity raises by 30% (a research from the company)
In my last work at the multinational corporation we had a Health week with the bike in certain location and it was a part of competition between other international companies was running. It was about achievement and involvement of employees stand up, sit on the bike and roll the pedals. It showed motivation, relaxation and energy back.
Recently Forbes discussed a new study that found working at treadmill desks boosts job performance. Rather than exhausting workers with too much activity, working at a treadmill desk at a slow two miles per hour increased theirproductivity and performance on the job. It is important to note that workers needed a time to get into the new routine and get used to using the treadmill, but after four to six months, the observable improvements were consistent and striking.
Researchers have, in fact, reported that children with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) seem to focus better after being outdoors. A study published in 2008 found that children with ADHD scored higher on a test of concentration after a walk through a park than after a walk through a residential neighborhood or downtown area. Other ADHDstudies have also suggested that outdoor exercise could have positive effects on the condition. Truth be told, this research has been done in children, so it’s a stretch to say it applies to adults, even those who have an ADHD diagnosis.
Stress management
A study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine showed that university students who walked and did other easy to moderate exercise regularly had lower stress levels than couch potatoes or those who exercised strenuously. Studies in Japan showed even better effects when walking in a park or forest. Doctors in Japan are beginning to prescribe walks in the woods to help the mental health of overloaded urbanites. There's even a totally adorable word for it, shinrin-yoku, which translates as "forest bathing."
From stress your perspective turns into vision. "All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking,” said philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. 
In 2010 the English scientists reported results from a meta-analysis of their own studies that showed just five minutes of green exercise resulted in improvements in self-esteem and mood. Walking boosts endorphins responsible for happiness.
The study's co-author Professor Nikolaus Troje, of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, has shown in past research that depressed people move very differently than happy people. Just watch how a poor posture can make you depressed, angry and can even kill your libido, according to a study.
Better sleeping
According to the National Sleep Foundation, experts say that walking may boost levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin, which relaxes you. Or, the rise in body temperature brought on by walking may signal the brain to lower your temperature later, which promotes sleep.
How bad your day is a walk can find a creative solution.
Research today shows that when you’re resting, an entirely different part of your brain is at work than when you’re focused on your own work. This is called the default mode network and its processes allow us to think more creatively and to reflect on our understanding of ourselves, the world and humanity.

So, when you really need to get something done, get away from your computer and your conference room, and go for a long walk. It’s not a luxury. It’s work.
Source: Dan Pallotta  

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To help someone in need  see Good Deeds ., 

To raise money for your needs see Crowdfunding websites.

Do you know that you can organize a team and walk in large groups in order to raise money for a community, charity or someone in need? see how it works .,  .

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